
 Eagle Scout Project Workbook 

Powerpoint from parent presentation (updated 1/30/22)


Beneficiary representative Ranger Carol is "on board" and eager to eliminate the city's liability with a new, safe bridge. 

We've met with the beneficiary again. We have confirmed availability for a lot of materials and supplies and disposal sites (onsite). 

Our plan currently includes

Troop 4 scouts arrive early, start demolition

Demolish bridge: put debris off to the side and leave it.
Can be hauled up the hill by Cub Scouts or folks not engaged with bridge build.

I expect the demolition to take less than an hour.


Immediately replace mudsills. Level them, backfill around

Simultaneously start work on Retaining Wall rehab/rebuild.

I expect the mudsills, joists, and retaining walls (worked on simultaneously) to take no more than 3 hours
Drill the joists and mudsills. Drive in rebar.
Put up joists, proper width for planks.

Handrail posts may be an hour.
Dig holes for handrail posts. Adjust posts to height.
Backfill the holes.
Drill holes & pilot holes for securing handrail posts to mudsills and joists.

Secure Planking
Attach Handrails

Status of 12/28


Existing Conditions

Existing Pictures


Proposal page 


Here's a link to information on Donating to help pay for the lumber (very expensive nowadays):  Donate!


(Some of these are private links)

Project Notes

Eagle - To Do



Checklist: Requirements

Project History

